Tuesday, July 31, 2007

At My Parent's House

I have been spending the past week at my mom & dad's house helping take care of things. My mom had surgery last week and is recovering. So I came down with Bean to take care of her and her house this week and then I will come back next week. It has been an adventure being down here the past few days. I love being at home and being with my parents (whom I love dearly) but it is so strange for me to be here and to be the "mom" and not the kid. I am so accustomed to coming here and having Mom take care of ME not the other way around. It is very fulfilling to be able to return the favors (even though we are comparing apples to oranges...years of taking care of me vs. days of me taking care of her).

Bean is having a great time down here. He has figured out how to maneuver his little walker. He can walk everywhere and even turn around and go back the other way! He has also started talking. He can say "mom mom mom" and "pop pop pop". He also will repeat words if they are said to him repeatedly (yesterday he was eating strawberries for lunch and I kept telling him they were "red" and eventually he looked at me, looked at the berries and said "Reh". VERY COOL! It is so fun to watch him on this journey!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

New Blog!

Welcome to Momma 2 Beans! On our new blog there are going to be a few changes from thenormalw8s. Change #1- our names. If you were familiar with our old blog, please refer to us by our new aliases on this blog. Me: Momma 2 Beans (Ann); Husband/Daddy: Hubs; kid #1: Bean; new baby: Sprout. Change #2- Our blog address is obviously different. If you made it here you were more than likely directed here from the old blog over at Wordpress. Change #3- The old posts are gone. I will not be copying my old posts over here, we are basically starting over. I figure I'm still a new enough blogger that it won't hurt anything to just start over.

I am super excited about this new blog and I am really looking forward to more bloggity fun!! Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you found us!! Leave me a comment to let me know that you successfully made the voyage over here!

My Bio!

Welcome! A little bit about me...I am a (Ann) Momma to 2 Beans. I am a 25 years old, stay at home momma. I graduated from college with an Elementary Ed. degree and taught first grade for a little bit, but then came Bean. Bean is our first born son who arrived in September of 2006. Bub is our new "bean" and is due Feb. 18, 2008. I have been married to Hubs since Dec. 2003. We met and started dating in High School and by the Grace of God survived the long distance thing through college. I love, love, LOVE my family and wouldn't dream of having life any other way!

I love dark chocolate, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Steel Magnolias, chinese food, scrapbooking and JESUS!