Ahhhh....I finally am able to post! My computer has been very "broken" lately so I've been bumming hub's computer when I have time and he's not using it. So here I am, it's nap time for Bean, and amazingly I'm wide awake.
Actually, I am willing myself to be wide awake because I have sooo much cleaning to do today that there is no time for sleep. This weekend is Bean's 1st birthday party! We LOVE to entertain, so this was the perfect excuse to round up everybody for a par-tay. Tomorrow the weekend festivities kick off (which means my house has to be clean before I go to bed tonight!). My bro-in-law and his wife are coming tomorrow, then my bro is coming on Saturday. Then EVERYONE is coming on Sunday! I am absolutely psyched about this party. We are doing a family/kid party from 4:30-6:30 (dinner, cake, etc.) THEN around 8pm we are having a fire in our fire pit for the grown ups!! YAY!! Did I mention that I am absolutely psyched about this!?!?! Although I must admit that I am slightly disappointed that once again, I am not able to partake in consuming adult beverages this summer. I am counting on being free and clear next summer (I had better be!!!). But it will be fun to play hostess and enjoy being with family and friends.
On a completely different note, Bean is a walking machine! He walks across the room and from one object to the next...I LOVE IT! He can get up on one knee on his own, but he still has to pull up on something to get all the way up. He is also jabbering up a storm. He knows how to say "bah" when I hang up my phone or when Daddy goes to work in the morning. He can say "Da Da" & "Mom om om". He always nails the first "mom" but then it turns into "om om om". Very cute. He has just figured out how to play with his mouth and make noise...like this....Say "Ahhhhh" now take your finger and brush it up and down on your lips....you hear that noise?? That is what I hear all day! What is even funnier is that he cracks up if you do it to him with your finger. He will walk over to me going "Ahhhhhhh" while sticking his chin up at me as if to say "Do it Mommy! Make the funny noise.". Sooo silly!
Well I have officially procrastinated enough and I promise I won't be a stranger to blogging anymore. I am back ;-) !
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hooray for the 2nd Trimester!
It is like someone has flipped a switch in me! I have been able to eat dinner for the last 3 consecutive nights without being sick to my stomach...AND I no longer need to nap during the day!! I am getting so much more done. Ahhh I am so thrilled to finally be out of the "red" zone and into the more enjoyable zone!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
My Top 100
Obviously this is not my 100th post at the new blog, but in my blog world, this is my 100th post! So I will follow in the footsteps of other amazing bloggers and do 100 things about me! Enjoy!
1. I am a lover of Jesus
2. That will always come first.
3. I met my husband in high school
4. I wouldn't label us as "high school sweethearts" but we did start dating at the begining of our senior year.
5. By the Grace of GOD we survived going to college an hour apart
6. (yeah, it doesn't sound far, but trust me...IT IS!)
7. We got married 2 days after Christmas
8. The date looked great on paper...not so great to do wedding stuff and Christmas stuff at the same time...
9. but it was gorgeous!
10. We have 2 kids...kind of
11. Bean is 10 months old
12 Sprout is still in my tummy
13. No, WE didn't plan on having our kids 16 months apart...
14. The Lord DID!
15. I love my husband SO much!
16. I especially love going shopping with him
17. Wal-Mart, Mall, Best Buy...you name it and I love going there with him.
18. I graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education.
19. My first job was as a TA in kindergarten and first grade.
20. Part way through my first year I picked up a full time first grade job in that school.
21. I kept that job for the following school year too!
22. Then I got pregnant!!
23. It took us almost 2 years to get pregnant with Bean
24. I did not return to teaching the next year.
25. Being a stay at home Mom is my new job
26. and I love it!
27. But there are days that I just need my own space (who doesn't!)
28. And thankfully my Bean has a great Daddy to play with!
30. I enjoy cooking...
31. when I have time to make a meal.
32. It's not so fun when I have a "on the table by" deadline.
33. I am scared to try new recipes without a personal recommendation from someone who has eaten the dish.
34. But if it is something that is highly recommended I will give it a shot! Feel free to share your faves!
35. I haven't been to the movies in a year!
36. Before Bean we went to the movies every other week...
37. and had yummy popcorn...
38. and Wild Cherry Pepsi from the fountain (it is my FAVORITE drink!).
39. Corona with a lime is my second favorite drink.
40. I can't have either of my favorite beverages while I'm pregnant...
41. It's a bummer.
42. I enjoy cleaning the whole house in one day.
43. I hate it when this tasks spans over multiple days...
44. I just end up with a bigger mess in the end.
45. I despise taking out the trash (hooray for Hubs!)
46. It is one of my jobs to get the mail (I was gone for a week and when I came home Hubs had "left" all of the mail in the box for me!)
47. Getting mail is so much more fun when there is mail for me!
48. My dad knows this and sent me postcards from his weekly travels all through college.
49. I still have all of his postcards :-)
50. Let's back it up a bit...My first job was working at an ice cream shop
51. I had so much fun working there in the summers!
52. I ended up working there 6 summers in a row!
53. Eventually I was promoted to being a manager.
54. Hubs and I have thought about eventually opening up our own ice cream place (you know, when we are independently wealthy ;-) ).
55. I went to my Senior prom with Hubs.
56. I wish I remembered more from that evening...I remember a dance or 2...
57. and I remember driving my dad's new car there.
58. I was hoping we would get married at that point...
59. I had no clue that we actually would stick it out through college (1 hour apart!)
60. I enjoy scrapbooking...
61. and crocheting...
62. and cross stitching...
63. but I do not like to sew (especially when it comes to hemming Hubs's suit pants)...
64. that is MY mom's job! Thanks Mom!
65. We have a shih tzu named Kowe.
66. Her name is ewok backwards.
67. She really looks like a little ewok.
68. Kowe was our college graduation present to each other.
69. There are days now that I wish we didn't have a dog...
70. But I love her to pieces!
71. I do not like chocolate...
72. Except when I am pregnant.
73. I DO like a good piece of cake with yummy frosting anytime.
74. I ate an entire jar of pickles before noon last Sunday.
75. Yup, an ENTIRE jar!
76. They were absolutely delicious.
77. I have not ever broken a bone in my body...
78. Growing up I wanted to have a cast so badly! (a purple one...with all of my friends autographs on it)
79. I love shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
80. I never really need anything from there but I always have a coupon...
81. Therefore I can rationalize any and all purchases!
82. I praise the Lord out loud when I am blessed with a good parking spot at Wal-Mart.
83. It happened today while it was raining and the college kids were all swarming to Wal-Mart...it was awesome.
84. Hmmm...what else....ooooh I know...I LOVE Chevy's salsa!
85. and their super thin, salty chips...YUM!
86. I became a Christian while sitting between Hubs & my sister-in-law.
87. We were at a church youth group "event".
88. I was 18 and I had no clue what was happening to me.
89. It was the most surreal and awesome experience of my life, and I am sooo glad that those 2 people were right next to me.
90. Don't know why I didn't mention this earlier in the countdown...
91. I hate shopping for jeans.
92. But I LOVE finding a great pair that actually fit!!
93. I love shopping for shirts...I could buy a million shirts and end up without pants!
94. I would like to travel to Japan with Hubs. (He lived there for 3 years).
95. I desperately want to go back to Aruba for one of our anniversaries!
96. I would also like to go on a cruise with our friends.
97. I keep a journal for both a of my kids.
98. They will receive it from me someday...not sure when.
99. I love having my own family.
100. Christmas is my favorite holiday! :-)
WHEW! There you have it! I hope it wasn't too painfully long! ENJOY!
1. I am a lover of Jesus
2. That will always come first.
3. I met my husband in high school
4. I wouldn't label us as "high school sweethearts" but we did start dating at the begining of our senior year.
5. By the Grace of GOD we survived going to college an hour apart
6. (yeah, it doesn't sound far, but trust me...IT IS!)
7. We got married 2 days after Christmas
8. The date looked great on paper...not so great to do wedding stuff and Christmas stuff at the same time...
9. but it was gorgeous!
10. We have 2 kids...kind of
11. Bean is 10 months old
12 Sprout is still in my tummy
13. No, WE didn't plan on having our kids 16 months apart...
14. The Lord DID!
15. I love my husband SO much!
16. I especially love going shopping with him
17. Wal-Mart, Mall, Best Buy...you name it and I love going there with him.
18. I graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education.
19. My first job was as a TA in kindergarten and first grade.
20. Part way through my first year I picked up a full time first grade job in that school.
21. I kept that job for the following school year too!
22. Then I got pregnant!!
23. It took us almost 2 years to get pregnant with Bean
24. I did not return to teaching the next year.
25. Being a stay at home Mom is my new job
26. and I love it!
27. But there are days that I just need my own space (who doesn't!)
28. And thankfully my Bean has a great Daddy to play with!
30. I enjoy cooking...
31. when I have time to make a meal.
32. It's not so fun when I have a "on the table by" deadline.
33. I am scared to try new recipes without a personal recommendation from someone who has eaten the dish.
34. But if it is something that is highly recommended I will give it a shot! Feel free to share your faves!
35. I haven't been to the movies in a year!
36. Before Bean we went to the movies every other week...
37. and had yummy popcorn...
38. and Wild Cherry Pepsi from the fountain (it is my FAVORITE drink!).
39. Corona with a lime is my second favorite drink.
40. I can't have either of my favorite beverages while I'm pregnant...
41. It's a bummer.
42. I enjoy cleaning the whole house in one day.
43. I hate it when this tasks spans over multiple days...
44. I just end up with a bigger mess in the end.
45. I despise taking out the trash (hooray for Hubs!)
46. It is one of my jobs to get the mail (I was gone for a week and when I came home Hubs had "left" all of the mail in the box for me!)
47. Getting mail is so much more fun when there is mail for me!
48. My dad knows this and sent me postcards from his weekly travels all through college.
49. I still have all of his postcards :-)
50. Let's back it up a bit...My first job was working at an ice cream shop
51. I had so much fun working there in the summers!
52. I ended up working there 6 summers in a row!
53. Eventually I was promoted to being a manager.
54. Hubs and I have thought about eventually opening up our own ice cream place (you know, when we are independently wealthy ;-) ).
55. I went to my Senior prom with Hubs.
56. I wish I remembered more from that evening...I remember a dance or 2...
57. and I remember driving my dad's new car there.
58. I was hoping we would get married at that point...
59. I had no clue that we actually would stick it out through college (1 hour apart!)
60. I enjoy scrapbooking...
61. and crocheting...
62. and cross stitching...
63. but I do not like to sew (especially when it comes to hemming Hubs's suit pants)...
64. that is MY mom's job! Thanks Mom!
65. We have a shih tzu named Kowe.
66. Her name is ewok backwards.
67. She really looks like a little ewok.
68. Kowe was our college graduation present to each other.
69. There are days now that I wish we didn't have a dog...
70. But I love her to pieces!
71. I do not like chocolate...
72. Except when I am pregnant.
73. I DO like a good piece of cake with yummy frosting anytime.
74. I ate an entire jar of pickles before noon last Sunday.
75. Yup, an ENTIRE jar!
76. They were absolutely delicious.
77. I have not ever broken a bone in my body...
78. Growing up I wanted to have a cast so badly! (a purple one...with all of my friends autographs on it)
79. I love shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
80. I never really need anything from there but I always have a coupon...
81. Therefore I can rationalize any and all purchases!
82. I praise the Lord out loud when I am blessed with a good parking spot at Wal-Mart.
83. It happened today while it was raining and the college kids were all swarming to Wal-Mart...it was awesome.
84. Hmmm...what else....ooooh I know...I LOVE Chevy's salsa!
85. and their super thin, salty chips...YUM!
86. I became a Christian while sitting between Hubs & my sister-in-law.
87. We were at a church youth group "event".
88. I was 18 and I had no clue what was happening to me.
89. It was the most surreal and awesome experience of my life, and I am sooo glad that those 2 people were right next to me.
90. Don't know why I didn't mention this earlier in the countdown...
91. I hate shopping for jeans.
92. But I LOVE finding a great pair that actually fit!!
93. I love shopping for shirts...I could buy a million shirts and end up without pants!
94. I would like to travel to Japan with Hubs. (He lived there for 3 years).
95. I desperately want to go back to Aruba for one of our anniversaries!
96. I would also like to go on a cruise with our friends.
97. I keep a journal for both a of my kids.
98. They will receive it from me someday...not sure when.
99. I love having my own family.
100. Christmas is my favorite holiday! :-)
WHEW! There you have it! I hope it wasn't too painfully long! ENJOY!
Well Bean started walking today. He walked from Hubs to me (I was across the room). This journey took him around 6-7 steps to accomplish...and he did it! It was sooo cool! We kept spinning him around and then sending him back to the other parent. He was a walking fool! Then this evening Bean & I took a walk in the stroller. After we were done (he was playing with the stroller in the driveway) he walked from the front of the stroller to the back! It is sooo amazing! I will get pic's ASAP!
Oh yeah...he also popped 2 new teeth today! We are up to a grand total of 5 new teeth!
Oh yeah...he also popped 2 new teeth today! We are up to a grand total of 5 new teeth!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Definition of a Craving
When I was pregnant with Bean I never experienced a "craving". Sure, occasionally something would sound really good, but nothing I "had to have right now or I will die". With this baby I have been getting night sickness (as opposed to morning sickness). At about 3pm my tummy starts to turn and I nauseated from that point until about 10am. Forget about me eating dinner. However, every so often something (just 1 thing) will sound soooo good to me during that nauseated period, that I have to have it. The other night it was a chocolate shake & fries (not very healthy...) and tonight it's a sub from Subway. It is amazing that nothing sounds good to me...absolutely NOTHING...except that one thing. I'm guessing this is what having a craving is all about...never ever did I experience this with Bean.
**All evidence continues to support my premonition that I am having a girl! Hubs is 100% convinced it is another boy....we shall see!
**All evidence continues to support my premonition that I am having a girl! Hubs is 100% convinced it is another boy....we shall see!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
8 Things About our Marriage
I was tagged by Anna over at Sincerely Anna for this super fun meme. I love talking about weddings so this was right up my alley! Thanks for sharing Anna!!

3. Where was your first date? First kiss? Our first date was to a James Bond movie. We kissed later that night in his car.
4. Long or short courtship? Ugh...loooong. We knew we wanted to get married after dating for about 6 months or so (but I was 18 and he was 19 and that just wasn't going to happen) So we dated all through college (4 years at different schools about an hour apart) and got married in December of our senior year in college.
5. Where were we engaged? Hubs proposed to me at the quad on the U of IL campus. It was gorgeous! He proposed with a piece of copper pipe that his grandfather had cut to use to propose to Hubs's grandma 50 years earlier. Hubs's dad also proposed to his mom with it. Later that evening at a nice Italian restaurant I got my "real" ring :-)
6. Where were we married? We were married at the church we met at in southern Illinois.
7. Where was the reception? The country club my folks belong to...very beautiful!
8. Where was your honeymoon? Ahhh...we spent 10 glorious days in Aruba! It was absolutely amazing! We flew out the morning after our wedding...it was sooo perfect!
Consider yourself TAGGED! Feel free to play along! Leave a link to your blog in my comments so that I can come read your story too!!
1. Where did you meet your husband? Ooohh, well we met in a 11th grade English class (American Lit). We did a project together and I specifically remember his Mom dropping him off to work on our project (ha ha!). We "met" again in Theater Lit our Senior year of High School and at that point we each broke off other relationships and started dating.
2.What was the first thing you said? I have no clue...something related to the project we worked on together I'm sure...

3. Where was your first date? First kiss? Our first date was to a James Bond movie. We kissed later that night in his car.
4. Long or short courtship? Ugh...loooong. We knew we wanted to get married after dating for about 6 months or so (but I was 18 and he was 19 and that just wasn't going to happen) So we dated all through college (4 years at different schools about an hour apart) and got married in December of our senior year in college.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Super Daddy
I love my Husband. Have I told you guys this? Because, I really really do.
He morphed into Super Daddy last night (a transformation that is awe inspiring and oh so natural for him). Christian woke up at 2am screaming his poor lil head off! So I went in, gave him a bottle and put him back down (as I do every night). However, last night he did not want to sleep. He continued to scream and scream and scream!!! So I went in again and tried to soothe him and as soon as he started to doze in my arms I laid him back down....and he screamed. Ugh. So I thought to myself, "Do I really want to positively reinforce this behavior?". Ummm No! So I crawled back in bed to let him work it out for a little while on his own. This is where the Super Daddy comes in. I immediately start to drift, despite the sobs being heard on the monitor. Nathan hops out of bed, and goes in to take care of his little boy. Now this is where the details get fuzzy on my part...I fell asleep...completely, 100% asleep! I then wake up at 6am to Hubs crawling back into bed. Sooo I ask him where he's been. He slept with Bean on the couch all night so that I could sleep!
What an awesome Super Daddy!
He morphed into Super Daddy last night (a transformation that is awe inspiring and oh so natural for him). Christian woke up at 2am screaming his poor lil head off! So I went in, gave him a bottle and put him back down (as I do every night). However, last night he did not want to sleep. He continued to scream and scream and scream!!! So I went in again and tried to soothe him and as soon as he started to doze in my arms I laid him back down....and he screamed. Ugh. So I thought to myself, "Do I really want to positively reinforce this behavior?". Ummm No! So I crawled back in bed to let him work it out for a little while on his own. This is where the Super Daddy comes in. I immediately start to drift, despite the sobs being heard on the monitor. Nathan hops out of bed, and goes in to take care of his little boy. Now this is where the details get fuzzy on my part...I fell asleep...completely, 100% asleep! I then wake up at 6am to Hubs crawling back into bed. Sooo I ask him where he's been. He slept with Bean on the couch all night so that I could sleep!
What an awesome Super Daddy!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Kid at Heart
We went to our local swimming pool as a family a week or so ago. They have a fantastic kiddie pool (slides, squirty stuff, spray toys...it's AWESOME!). Bean really enjoys playing in the kiddie pool and then going over to the big pool and swimming more with us. Hubs can only handle so much of the kiddie pool before he is ready to head over to the bigger one. Hubs also enjoys going off of the diving board. On this particular day, Bean and I were watching Hubs do his tricks off of the board (and clapping of course!). Hubs finishes up and swims over to us and asks me if I saw him talking to one of the kids in line with him. Here is their conversation:
Kid (to Hubs): "Aren't you a little big to be going off of the diving board?"
Hubs: "I guess I'm just a kid at heart."
Kid: "You know, some people just say that, I think you really mean it."
And that sums up Hubs in one statement! :-)
Kid (to Hubs): "Aren't you a little big to be going off of the diving board?"
Hubs: "I guess I'm just a kid at heart."
Kid: "You know, some people just say that, I think you really mean it."
And that sums up Hubs in one statement! :-)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Dog Food IS Cheaper...
Bean has been attempting to devour dog food at any and every opportunity. He loves it! It cracks me how he will crawl with such motivation to get to the dog food and gobble down as much as he can before I notice. Typically he will listen when I tell him it is "yucky" and then he drops it and claps because he knows he did the right thing. However, occasionally he will not listen to me and continues to consume as much as possible. In these situations I go over and scoop him up and continue to plead my case about dog food being "yucky". After this occurs, Kowe, rushes over to her bowl and will eat everything that is in her bowl (as if saying "I'd better eat this before he does!"). The whole scenario makes me chuckle.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
You Know It's Been Too Long When...
So I was all excited because today is Wednesday and I have this great "Works For Me Wednesday" idea, but then I logged into my blog and realized that I haven't posted since last Wednesday! Oops! This week has just gotten away from me...
I am back down at my mom's house again this week. Bean & I will be here until Friday. Bean has had fun playing down here this week. He has been able to spend time with his Pop Pop and Grandma. He has also decided to start saying "Da Da" this week (even though "da da" isn't here...).
Last Sunday we left our house to drive down here ("here" is about 2 1/2 hours away). Hubs packed us all up and was saying bye to Bean. After everything was ready we headed out. We were a little ways down the street when Bean said "Momma, Da Da bye-bye. Da Da bye-bye.". Now I'm not sure how much of it was just random babbles that happened to come together to form a very coherent sentence, but it was soooo cool! It absolutely melted me! He can definitely say Momma and Da Da and sometimes even bye-bye, but to put them all together at once?!?!?!? I'm waiting for a repeat performance ;-)
I am back down at my mom's house again this week. Bean & I will be here until Friday. Bean has had fun playing down here this week. He has been able to spend time with his Pop Pop and Grandma. He has also decided to start saying "Da Da" this week (even though "da da" isn't here...).
Last Sunday we left our house to drive down here ("here" is about 2 1/2 hours away). Hubs packed us all up and was saying bye to Bean. After everything was ready we headed out. We were a little ways down the street when Bean said "Momma, Da Da bye-bye. Da Da bye-bye.". Now I'm not sure how much of it was just random babbles that happened to come together to form a very coherent sentence, but it was soooo cool! It absolutely melted me! He can definitely say Momma and Da Da and sometimes even bye-bye, but to put them all together at once?!?!?!? I'm waiting for a repeat performance ;-)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Works For Me: Taking It All In

I am still a pretty new parent so my "advice" isn't so much that, but just what is working for me right now. When things get hectic or I start freaking out over the minor details in life, I try to remember that each moment with my son is fleeting and I need to step back and take it all in. I don't ever want to forget about him growing up. I want to remember what he looks like each day (even though I know this will not happen). But, I do want to absorb as much of him as I can each day without fretting. This is what is working for me right now and is what keeps me from losing my mind some days!
Don't forget to head over to Rocks In My Dryer for more parenting advice!
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