Sunday, February 10, 2008

Buh-Bye Momma 2 Beans!!

As Bean would say "Buh-Bye"!

This is my last post here at Momma 2 tears need to be shed...I am moving over to MamaRazzi!!!!

Follow the trail of cookie crumbs (as I sit here and munch cookies!) over to MamaRazzi, my new bloggy home! Once you make it there please leave me a note and let me know you found me!!


Friday, February 8, 2008

The BIG Bloggy Move!

Here we go again! I know that I just moved into "Momma 2 Beans", but what can I say?!?!? I am a gal that likes change. So onward and upward...this blog is moooving! Hubs and I came up with an even better title, with an even cooler appearance...I am so excited!!! I have been working my tail off on the new blog site and will have it up and going by the Big Bloggy Move day, which is next Monday, Feb. 11th! So look for the link with the new blog announcement to come either late Sunday or early Monday!!!

I am not the only one in Bloggityville moving...check out other blogs moving here!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Cup Runneth Over...

Need I say more??

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Breaking Out

I broke out of "jail" last night!!! Okay, so staying home with the kiddos 24/7 isn't really "jail", but when one realizes that she hasn't been out of the house in a month and realizes that she mostly talks to 2 people under the age of 2 all day and realizes that she hasn't put on "real" clothes or make-up in that month spent at home...she begins to lose her sanity and daydream about life on the outside. Well sweet Hubs could tell I was going a little bit looney and decided we needed to go out for dinner. Just the 2 of us. Now I am a little neurotic about leaving my kids. I will not leave them with a babysitter (other than grandparents or another highly trusted adult) until the Bean can talk and tell me how things went...again, I am a little crazy. So my momma came up yesterday and stayed with the boys while we made a mad dash for Olive Garden, scarfed down some food and then rushed home so that I could feed Bub. I'm not going to lie to y' was AWESOME! We moslty talked about the kids and kid stuff, but it was so nice to have some alone time with Hubs. We were out of the house for a total of 1 hour and 22 minutes (but who's counting!?!?) and it was exactly what I needed to recharge my batteries. I am a new Momma today!!! It was a great reminder for me that I am still a person and that I am still a wife. Somedays I feel like all I am is a source of food, comfort and a clean diaper. But last night I remembered how good it feels to go on a date, alone, with my husband.

**If you and your husband have not done this within the last month, I HIGHLY recommend doing so! You will feel MUCH better and be completely rejuvenated afterwards!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

And Here We Are...

This is the first Super Bowl Sunday that Hubs and I haven't attended or thrown a party for. Ever. In our entire relationship (which has been 8 1/2 years). We looked at each other this morning and realized that it will be just us. Which is sort of by choice...we decided to delay watching the game until we have Bean in bed for the night (Thank You TIVO!). And of course nobody wants to watch the game from 9pm-midnight! So it is just us...which is fine..and it will be nice and cozy and relaxing.

The last few days I have stepped back more than once to take in our house. We bought this house right after we graduated from college (we got married 1/2 way through our senior year). We were sooo excited about this house. It was a HUGE upgrade from our ghetto apartment ("ghetto" is an understatement!). Now this house has morphed into baby-land. There are gates on all of the stairwells, the fridge is coated in animal and letter magnets, our fireplace sports a protective gate, there are locks on the cabinets, bathroom doors are now kept permanently shut (the Bean likes to splash in the potty!) many little things have changed. It is amazing where we have come to.

I love it. I absolutely would not have it any other way. I love it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Jeans

This week my mom came up to help me regain control of my house and my sanity! (Thanks Mom!). While she was here she was changing Bean's diaper and went to put his jeans back on him. As she was getting ready to button them up, he put his hand on hers and said "No No". My mom then realized that she could barely button his britches...they were too tight! Poor sweet little boy! I ran out today and bought the poor thing new jeans in the next bigger size. They fit him MUCH better!

Monday, January 28, 2008

THE Bag!


Yippeee! My new diaper bag is in!! And I LOVE it! It is about the same size as my current diaper bag, maybe even slightly larger. I had a great time tonight cleaning out the old bag and stocking the new bag. It is especially interesting to think about the fact that I am currently carrying 2 different sizes of diapers. Soon it will be 2 sippy cups, 2 snack cups, 2 sets of diapers (wait...hopefully we will be down to 1 set of diapers before too long!). I am going to need a carry on suitcase if we keep having kids!!