Sunday, February 3, 2008

And Here We Are...

This is the first Super Bowl Sunday that Hubs and I haven't attended or thrown a party for. Ever. In our entire relationship (which has been 8 1/2 years). We looked at each other this morning and realized that it will be just us. Which is sort of by choice...we decided to delay watching the game until we have Bean in bed for the night (Thank You TIVO!). And of course nobody wants to watch the game from 9pm-midnight! So it is just us...which is fine..and it will be nice and cozy and relaxing.

The last few days I have stepped back more than once to take in our house. We bought this house right after we graduated from college (we got married 1/2 way through our senior year). We were sooo excited about this house. It was a HUGE upgrade from our ghetto apartment ("ghetto" is an understatement!). Now this house has morphed into baby-land. There are gates on all of the stairwells, the fridge is coated in animal and letter magnets, our fireplace sports a protective gate, there are locks on the cabinets, bathroom doors are now kept permanently shut (the Bean likes to splash in the potty!) many little things have changed. It is amazing where we have come to.

I love it. I absolutely would not have it any other way. I love it.


texasknights said...

And before you know it, your first baby will be nine and your youngest just about school aged and ...oh the joy..and the tears! :) I sort of miss those days.

Unknown said...

Right now I can't fathom both of them walking let alone going to school....oh my!! oh my!!