It has been sooo HOT here lately! We had planned on going to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard this weekend for quite some time. When this past weekend finally rolled around, it was 92 degrees outside!! We decided to tough it out and go anyway. It was a good decision. Bean had a GREAT time and absolutely loved the goats & chickens. (Which made me realize that we have got to get this kid to a zoo!). We melted our way out to the pumpkin patch, only to find ourselves surrounded with rotten, stinky pumpkins (they don't care for the hot weather either!). It was really unpleasant, but I did get some cute pic's of Bean in the pumpkin patch.
The best part of the entire day there was the apple cider slushes...oh my! They were absolutely amazing and worth every single penny! A great alternative to hot apple cider :-)
Seriously, I would pay good money for apple cider right now. Apple cider is only alcohol here- no juice to be found! It just doesn't feel like fall without a good gallon or two of apple cider to consume!! :)
Yikes! You better not consume a gallon or 2 over there!! :-) hee hee!
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