After the new one was all ready to go we put every dirty dish we could find straight in the dishwasher! No pre-washing needed!!!! While I was loading our nasty dishes, Bean decided it was his job to immediately remove the dirty dishes from the dishwasher and put them on the floor. After I convinced him that was not how it worked he wandered off and left me and my new friend alone to get better acquainted. A few minutes later he toddled back over to us with an arm load of his plastic stacking cups. He proceeded to place them one at a time into the dishwasher!!!! I was so proud of him (and so was he!). I did agree with him that those cups needed a good run through the dishwasher so we loaded them in too. And guess what....EVERYTHING CAME OUT CLEAN!! I was and still am amazed!!
UPDATED ON BEAN: The diaper situation is improving...not all better yet, but getting there! I had to go buy more bananas yesterday because that is one of the only foods in the BRAT diet he will really eat! Bananas, applesauce, crackers & bread....that's about it.
UPDATED ON BEAN: The diaper situation is improving...not all better yet, but getting there! I had to go buy more bananas yesterday because that is one of the only foods in the BRAT diet he will really eat! Bananas, applesauce, crackers & bread....that's about it.
Yay! Love at first sight! Glad Bean is doing a little better today!
Hey! Glad you got your new friend so quickly and at a good time of day - yay!
I should've mentioned this the other day - but are you putting cream on Bean's bottom. It doesn't have to be any of the expensive stuff - just something thick. And spread it on thick. It will help him heal, but it will also prevent his bum from the ick.
Hope he's ALL better SOON!
Ohhhh yes there has been TONS of cream and A&D ointment and baby powder and running around naked just to air out (he likes the last option best!). We are past the ouchie-red-rashy-bumpy bum and now onto the sore-dry-chaffed-less red bum...we're making progress!
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