I absolutley love all of the cute stocking holders that are out right now...EXCEPT for the fact that they all weigh a TON and would absolutely crush my sweet little Bean if he were to toddle over and yank a stocking down. Call me a paranoid Momma, but seriously, is it worth risking? So I have been trying to figure out something to use to hang up our stockings. My mom uses straight pins, but again, I am a paranoid Momma and I worry about him picking one up and eating it if it falls....
Here is what I have come up with: plastic outdoor light clips! You know the ones you can hook onto your gutter to hold up your outdoor lights!?!?! They work great to clip onto your mantle and then you even have a plastic hook to use for your stockings! And if Bean does yank it off, the clips are large and plastic and I don't think he could swallow one if he tried! Works for me! Head over to
Rocks In My Dryer to find some other helpful hints!
very nice. almost un-noticeable against the mantle, & probably very easy to see on most floors.
Mrs N
Great tip!
Good idea. We have a gas fireplace that we turn on fairly often and so I'm leery of any hooks. But if I used them, I would take your advice.
Thanks for the tip. We had a very close call with a falling stocking holder. I needed a way to get the stockings back up on the mantle.
What a great idea! I've been trying to solve this problem myself:)
Great idea! My son DID pull his stocking down last year--gash on his noggin, gash in my floor! He's (hopefully) old enough to know better this year, but the baby is Not! I just tacked our stockings out of her reach in our entry and used the stocking holders for display on the mantle, but it's just not the same. Will pick up these clips next trip to Target--thanks!
Now THAT is a clever idea! I'll definitely be passing this one along!
Great idea, but I'm really here to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANN!
Is it sturdy enought to hold a stuffed stocking though?
We started using Command hooks a few years ago and have not had any incidents.
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