Bean and I spent the day bumming around the house. We really didn't do anything super excited. Bean worked on cutting his bottom molars (one came through the next day, and the other one is still being worked on). These bottom molars have been a killer for the poor kid. He wants to chew on everything. Plus, he has been an absolute bear about it! Ugh....
When Hubs came home from work I got to open my present from him.....NEW COMPUTER GUTS!!! My computer has been slowly dying...freezing at random times...making crying noises while it is on...other various noises....and it was sloooooow. So Hubs bought me an entire NEW computer! Now I am zooming!!!! I absolutely love it and I love that he is awesome enough to be able to open up my old one, take everything out and put awesome, new, super-mega fast stuff into the case. He's so wonderful!
Then that night we went to Chevy's for dinner (which is where I have spent the majority of my birthday's over the last 10 years or so). Bean enjoyed watching them make tortillas, but was less than thrilled about sitting through the meal....oh well! Hubs made a new discovery from the Chevy's menu...FLAUTAS! Oh My Goodness! They were deeee-licious! I had my standard chicken quesadillas (which is the same thing I always order...it's my comfort food!). But next time I will definitely go out on a limb and get the flautas....wooo weee! Go try 'em! I willingly submitted myself to public humiliation all for the sake of entertaining The Bean. I let them sing Happy Birthday and bring out the free ice-cream (all for Bean, of course!). The one thing that I did want for Bean was the sombrero...and oh my goodness did he look stinkin' cute in it!
It was an awesome, AWESOME day. It was so fun to relax and take a day off of cleaning and cooking. And, it was great to spend the day with my 2 favorite-est people!
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