Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Interesting Day...

This morning I had a Non-Stress Test (NST) for Bub. They basically hook me up to 2 monitors, one to watch any "uterine activity" a.k.a. contractions and Bub's heartbeat. This was my second week of having one, and I will continue to have them weekly for the rest of the pregnancy. Soooo I take Bean with me to this appointment (that should last no longer than 30 minutes). We bundle up, drive to the doc's office, load Bean into the stroller and head in. We get all hooked up and listen to Bub thump away for 20 minutes while Bean watches a show on our portable DVD player (yes, I am that Mom who brought the DVD player along for a stinkin' doctor's appointment!). But in my defense, it was approaching nap time AND Bean is not nearly as enthralled with baby Bub's heartbeat as I am! Sooo the NST goes well, the nurse says we can leave and that she'll run it by the doc, but "it all looks good". So we head home. Bean screams the entire way (it is WAAAY past nap time). Half way home the doc's office calls and the nurse says, "I am so sorry to do this to you, but we need to you to come back in. You are having contractions and we need to check you out". I call Hubs who rushes home from work to be with Bean while I head back out to the doc's office. Upon being checked out we discover that I am 1.5 cm dilated! *This was at about 11am!* Sooo they sent me over to out-patient labor & delivery to monitor the contractions and Bub's heartbeat. I get all set up and they monitor me and monitor me and MONITOR ME (for HOURS!!!). During this span there is little to no "uterine activity"...which leads me and the nurses to believe that things have ceased. Around 1ish I was given a shot to stop any activity that is or was going on, and I was told that my doc will be by to check on me again and then I can head home. GREAT! I snoozed for a bit while I waited for my doc and before I knew it, it was 3pm! So I ring for a nurse and ask about the doc...well she got tied up and will be over "soon". She ends up arriving around 4:30. Checks me out, things are still the same (1.5cm dilated). So I am put on "not-really-bed rest". Which means that I have to take it super-duper easy, but my doc understands the demands of a 16 month old and is being realistic. I have to go back and see her again Friday to see how things are going. So that is where we are right now. I am 33 weeks and 2 days pregnant with Bub. I delivered Bean at 35 weeks 4 days. Hang on Bub!!! Just a few more weeks!!


Sincerely Anna said...

What a day, Ann. I think you called it long ago that this baby was coming early. I'm glad you seem to be getting really good care (and even an unexpected snooze while you wait!). Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well!

jen said...

Eek! We were at the Grands when your mom called to tell them about your morning; I've been wondering about you all day! Glad you are back at home, keeping the bun in the oven for a little while longer! :)

Lara said...

Ya know, if he is determined to come early, January 12th is a nice date- hehe!! I'll understand if he decides to wait a bit longer though ;)

Unknown said...

I had weekly NSTs with my 2nd pregnancy. It was always wonderful to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

Keep your feet up (yeah, right!) and get rest as much as you can. Sending good thoughts your way!