I realize that this post is about 3 days late, but I figured that y'all needed to hear how the BIG day went!
7:00am~ "MA MA!" Bean is awake and ready for breakfast...right on time!
7:10-8am~ Bean eats breakfast, I grab a quick shower, Hubs gets up to wipe out the oven from the oven cleaner that was left in overnight.
8am~ Hubs & I realize that "wiping" out the oven is no small task and that the "cleaner" is in fact not helping anything...grrrrr...
8:10~ Hubs is still wiping and I have moved on to making the dough for the rolls (it has to rise for 4 hours!)
8:20~ Dough made! Hubs is still working on cleaning the oven out for me.
8:30~I decide to start making the pie filling for the pumpkin pie.
8:32~ I realize I should probably roll out my pie crust before making the pie filling (which is already half made).
8:45~ I have successfully managed to roll out 1 pie crust (my crust dough is not cooperating)
8:55~ I give up on the dough I made ahead to "save time" and make a new batch for pie #2.
9:05~ Ahhh 2 pie crusts have been made...back to the pie filling.
9:07~ I go to use the microwave to soften up some butter and it.is.not.working!!!!
9:09~ Hubs runs in to rescue me...
9:15~...and fixes the microwave!
9:20-10:00~ The pies are baking!! HOORAY! I missed my goal of having the pies done by an hour...oh well! I decide that we will eat at 2 instead of 1 and we all will live!
10:11~ I start working on side dishes....and after peeling a few potatoes I decide to run the garbage disposal (which is a great GREAT disposal)
10:13~ The water in the sink is swirling and bubbling...not draining and NOT disposing of the egg shells, potato peels and other various items like it should be...
10:15~ "HUBS!!!"
10:18~ Hubs messes with the disposal and unclogs it...and sprays potato-peely gross water all over the underneath of the kitchen sink and the kitchen floor....
10:40~ Kitchen is cleaned and I am back to making sides...stuffing, sweet potato casserole, macaroni & cheese, green bean casserole....
11:10~Time to flip the turkey. This task sounded easy enough when my Mom-in-law told me to do it...but now that the time has arrived I was less than confident in my turkey-flipping abilities...."HUBS!"
11:20~Turkey flipped! YAY!
***This is where I make all of the "stuff" and things bake and I run around doing last minute stuff***
1:45~ The turkey comes out! Yippeeee!! Looks great...smells great....and now it is time for the gravy (the one thing I was dreading making the most)
1:52~I have made the roux and it looks pretty darn good....I am trying to figure out how to get the fat off of the top of the turkey drippings and make my 3rd or 4th call to my Mom-in-law in less than 10 minutes...
1:58~ Gravy is done but there doesn't seem to be too much of it...Hubs glances over and thinks it looks too thin...I agree (and since this is his momma's recipe I take his word for it!) Soooo I add more flour-BIG mistake! My gravy is now the consistency of Cream of Wheat.
2:02~We sit down to eat. Bean is in his high chair. All is well...
2:05~Bean gets his first bite of "real" turkey. He puts it in his mouth, makes the sour face, take the turkey out and yells "Yuck!" and throws it on the floor! He proceeds to do this with every single thing I cooked!
2:10~Squirmy Bean (who ate his lunch an hour and half ago) wants out of the high chair.
2:13~ A Baby Einstein video is in....Bean is captivated...and I am enjoying my Thanksgiving meal!
2:45~ Meal is over....
2:50~ Bean is napping....
2:52~ ...and I am napping while me awesome Husband and bro & sis-in-law are doing the dishes!